Race for the top photo by location!

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Diogo uses your location to give you access to view and vote on photos posted nearby. Swipe to vote and expand your access!

Swipe right photos you like to up-vote and make those photos rank higher and more likely other users see them. Swipe left photos you don’t like and remove them from your feed.

Posts are arranged by region (e.g. neighborhood, city, state, country etc.) and you have access to view photos posted from the region you’re currently in. Posting and voting unlocks worldwide access as you become a Diogo Champion!

Highly rated photos are promoted and become viewable to the whole world!

*Swipe to vote
*Share photos through camera within Diogo app
*Posts are deleted after 30 days
*Top 50 photos per region shown

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feedback or are experiencing issues with the Diogo app please contact us using the form below.

We will get back to you within 24 hours (Monday – Friday).

Your Name:*

Cheers and thank you!

Privacy Policy

We believe you should always know what data we collect from you and how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over both. We want to empower you to make the best decisions about the information that you share with us. That’s the purpose of this Privacy Policy. You should read this policy in full, but here are a few key things we hope you take away from it:
● Diogo is public and Posts are immediately viewable and searchable by
anyone around the world.
● When you use Diogo, even if you’re just looking at Posts, we receive some
personal information from you like the type of device you’re using and your IP address.
● If you have questions about this policy, how we collect or process your personal data, or anything else related to our privacy practices, we want to hear from you. You can contact us at teamdiogo@gmail.com any time.

Information You Share With Us
We require certain information to provide our services to you. For example, you must have an account in order to upload or share content on Diogo. When you choose to share the information below with us, we collect and use it to operate our services.

Basic Account Information: You don’t have to create an account to use some of our service features, such as searching and viewing public Diogo posts.

Public Information: Most activity on Diogo is public, including your profile information, your time zone and language, when you created your account, and your Posts and certain information about your Posts like the location, date, time, and application and version of Diogo you Posted from. So are your likes, dislikes and comments. Any likes, dislikes, comments, or other content you contribute to another account’s Post will remain part of that Post for as long as it remains on Diogo. Information posted about you by other people who use our services may also be public. You are responsible for your Posts and other information you provide through our services, and you should think carefully about what you make public, especially if it is sensitive information. If you update your public information on Diogo, such as by deleting a Post or deactivating your account, we will reflect your updated content on Diogo for iOS. In addition to providing your public information to the world directly on Diogo, we also use technology like application programming interfaces (APIs) and embeds to make that information available to websites, apps, and others for their use – for example, displaying Posts on a news website or analyzing what people say on Diogo.

Location Information: We require information about your signup and current location, which we get from signals such as your IP address or device settings, to securely and reliably set up and maintain your account and to provide our services to you. We collect, use, and store additional information about your location – such as your current precise position or places where you’ve previously used Diogo – to operate or personalize our services.

Diogo for Web Data: When you view our content on third-party websites that integrate Diogo content such as shared Posts, we may receive Log Data that includes the web page you visited. We use this information to better understand the use of our services, to protect the safety and integrity of our platform. We do not associate this web browsing history with your account. We do not collect this data from browsers that we believe to be located in the European Union or EFTA States.

As noted above, Diogo is designed to broadly and instantly disseminate information you share publicly through our services.

Law, Harm, and the Public Interest: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Privacy Policy or controls we may otherwise offer to you, we may preserve, use, or disclose your personal data if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; to protect the safety of any person; to protect the safety or integrity of our platform, including to help prevent spam, abuse, or malicious actors on our services, or to explain why we have removed content or accounts from our services; to address fraud, security, or technical issues; or to protect our rights or property or the rights or property of those who use our services. However, nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal defenses or objections that you may have to a third party’s, including a government’s, request to disclose your personal data.

Non-Personal Information: We share or disclose non-personal data, such as aggregated information like the total number of times people engaged with a Post, the topics that people are Posting about in a particular location, or reports to advertisers about how many people saw or clicked on their ads.

Managing Your Personal Information with Us
You control the personal data you share with us. You can access or rectify this data at any time. You can also deactivate your account. We also provide you tools to object, restrict, or withdraw consent where applicable for the use of data you have provided to Diogo. And we make the data you shared through our services portable and provide easy ways for you to contact us.

Accessing or Rectifying Your Personal Data: If you have registered an account on Diogo, we provide you with tools and account settings to delete the personal data you provided to us and associated with your account. You can download certain account information, including your Posts. On Periscope, you can request correction, deletion, or modification of your personal data, and download your account information.

Portability: Diogo provides you a means to download the information you have shared through our services by contacting us a teamdiogo@gmail.com.

Additional Information or Assistance: Thoughts or questions about this Privacy Policy? Please let us know by contacting us at teamdiogo@gmail.com.

If you are located in the European Union or EFTA States, you can confidentially contact Diogo’s Data Protection Officer here. If you wish to raise a concern about our use of your information (and without prejudice to any other rights you may have), you have the right to do so with your local supervisory authority.

Children and Our Services
Our services are not directed to children, and you may not use our services if you are under the age of 17. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country (in some countries we may allow your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf).

Our Global Operations and Privacy Shield
To bring you our services, we operate globally. Where the laws of your country allow you to do so, you authorize us to transfer, store, and use your data in the United States, and any other country where we operate. In some of the countries to which we transfer personal data, the privacy and data protection laws and rules regarding when government authorities may access data may vary from those of your country. Learn more about our global operations and data transfer here. When we transfer personal data outside of the European Union or EFTA States, we ensure an adequate level of protection for the rights of data subjects based on the adequacy of the receiving country’s data protection laws, contractual obligations placed on the recipient of the data (model clauses may be requested by inquiry as described below), or EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield principles. Diogo, Inc. complies with the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield principles (the “Principles”) regarding the collection, use, sharing, and retention of personal data from the European Union and Switzerland, as described in our EU-US Privacy Shield certification and Swiss-US Privacy Shield certification. If you have a Privacy Shield-related complaint, please contact at teamdiogo@gmail.com. As part of our participation in Privacy Shield, if you have a dispute with us about our adherence to the Principles, we will seek to resolve it through our internal complaint resolution process, alternatively through the independent dispute resolution body JAMS, and under certain conditions, through the Privacy Shield arbitration process. Privacy Shield participants are subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the US Federal Trade Commission and other authorized statutory bodies. Under certain circumstances, participants may be liable for the transfer of personal data from the EU or Switzerland to third parties outside the EU and Switzerland.

Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of the policy will govern our processing of your personal data and will always be at http://www.teamdiogo.com. If we make a change to this policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we will notify you in Diogo for iOS. By continuing to access or use the Services after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

Effective: October 31, 2019